Apply to work with us NOW to get an invite to an exclusive, advanced training on how to consistently attract clients on auto-pilot and predictably turn your annual income into your monthly income (without overwhelm or burnout, while working 50% less)…

Client Attraction University

Partner Program

Partner Program

Get the closely guarded method the Top 1% Coaches & Consultants are using
to attract clients on auto-pilot and  turn their annual income into
their monthly income the S.M.A.R.T.™ Way
Tammi and Sheldon Testimonial

Ever feel like there has to be a better way to grow your business without it demanding that you work harder or put in more hours?

You’re not alone.

A few years ago I heard one of my mentors say something that changed me forever…
“If I make $20,000 in a month that’s a bad month for me!”
When I heard that, it felt as if my eyes popped out of my head with excitement (like Bugs Bunny when I used to watch Saturday morning cartoons) and I could already see myself swimming in the bucks like Scrooge McDuck.

It was a dream come true.

Then when it came down to actually making this a reality for me, it was a total nightmare…
I mean, where do you start?

Do you post content on social media?

Do you make a video and upload it on the internet?

Do you go live twice a day?

Do you beg friends and family for referrals?

This was just a fraction of some of the conflicting advice I was receiving...

However none of the above made sense to me...

And I absolutely HATE cold calling...

And preying on innocent people at networking events like some kind of stalker and DM’ing strangers on social media is not my cup of tea either…

NEW CLIENTS are the lifeblood of any business and unless you have a steady stream of them coming in…

Things can get pretty TENSE...

It was my mission to figure out a simple way to get clients without the usual mumbo jumbo…

...AND do it in a way where I wasn’t chained to my computer 24/7, grinding to make it happen.

Can you relate? 

What if I told you that:

It’s easier to make A LOT of money in a little bit of time than it is to make a little bit of money in A LOT of time (read that again). 

When I say that in front of audiences at events, 90% of the room looks at me like I just said something ‘bout they mama! 

As hard as it may be to believe for some, it’s 100% true!

At the time of me writing this, I just got back from a week long vacation to Cancun with my family and while:

  • Zip-lining in the Riviera Maya
  • Riding ATVS through the Mayan jungle 
  • Learning about Mayan culture during our tour through the Tulum Ruins
  • ​Eating authentic street tacos 
  • ​Riding golf-carts around Isla Mujeres (an island in mexico)
  • ​Sipping out of fresh coconuts 
  • ​And other shenanigans that create lifelong memories with my family…

I was able to make more money than I used to make in a year and I did it without opening my laptop.

The business ran like a machine while I was 2,553 miles away with a choppy Wifi signal and the “if I make $20k in a month, that’s a bad month for me” comment, now makes more sense to me than ever because it’s become my reality.
If I have your attention, keep reading. 


$100 Million In Revenue Doesn’t Lie

*This is an old article. we're over $1 Billion in Client Results at this point

I cracked the code back in 2014 and my team and I have quietly (well not so quietly anymore) been helping some of the biggest names in the client-based business space (coaches, consultants & service providers) generate happy, high paying clients whenever they need them…

...and we were recently featured by Inc. 5,000 as one of the Fastest Growing Private Companies In America.
In the words of the Great Philosopher and Billionaire, Jay-Z, “Men Lie, Women Lie...Numbers Don’t!”

The best part about our system is you don’t need to be a big name guru for this to work…

We’re helping dozens of people you’ve probably never heard of put systems in place to attract clients on auto-pilot and turn their annual income into their monthly income, while working 50% less…

Instead of me getting super long-winded and making this page longer than it has to be, if you’re interested in finding out how it works...

I’ll just prove it to you…

We don’t pay ‘em to show love. But they still do.

"How Kelli 10x'd Her Email List & Start Having Consistent 5-Figure Months"
"How Marcus Started Having 6-Figure Months."
Kito Johnson
"Kito Makes $14k in 24 Hours From The Beach"
Christy Makes $19k In Only 2 Weeks While Chillaxin In The Beautiful Bahamas
How Kelly Cole Made $23,235 In 1 Week
How Glen 20x’d His Income
"How David Did $35k In Only 3-4 Days"

Congratulations On Making It This Far In Your Journey:

At this point, you:

  • You know that you’re amazing at what you do and have proven that your process works, solves a big problem and creates transformation for others.
  • You’ve made significant investments in yourself and have created some results, however you know you’ve only scratched the surface of your potential.
  • You’ve had the long nights burning the midnight oil, have made some money and now you’re ready to step into the reality of your annual income becoming your monthly income.
  • ​You’re ready to get in front of your PERFECT CLIENTS so you can help them achieve the outcomes they crave.
But here’s the also know that AT THIS MOMENT if you were to keep doing what you’re doing to get to the goals you desire, it would result in you working more hours and sacrificing the things that mean the most to you.

It doesn’t have to be that way…

We Could Literally Do This All Day

"I would like to thank Marquel in helping me get my first $3,000 paying client."
"Since working with Marquel, I have already booked very high ticket clients and I was able to increase my prices within a week of working with Marquel."
"How Jasmine Did An Extra 47K in 60 Days."
"How Nicole Landed 20 Clients At $5,000 Per Client In Only 6 Weeks"
"How Ty Cohen Grew His Coaching Business
To 7-Figures"
"How Kendall Increased His Revenue By 50%"

I Have An Embarrassing Confession

While YES, consistently attracting clients for your business is extremely important, because clients are the lifeblood of your business…

I wasn’t prepared for all the new challenges having a consistent influx of new clients would create.

It’s kinda like, if you’ve ever bought a used car, when you fix something on the car, something else breaks.

Yes, having more clients than you can handle is a great problem to have, however it’s a problem that can kill your business without the right systems in place to sustain the growth. 

The Birth Of The S.M.A.R.T. Method™

Once I started making 5-Figures per year, and wanted to get to 5-Figures per month (or per week), I was capped and couldn't figure out why.

I had some months where I'd make $10k or $20k in a month, however it was more of a revenue rollercoaster and not consistent and something my family and I could depend on (especially without me working way more hours).

Yes, making $20k per month is the holy grail for most business owners however I know I was only scratching the surface and knew that I was capable of so much more.

Once I discovered what I now call, “The S.M.A.R.T. Method™, I was able to realize what many of my business mentors meant when they said…
“Making the first million is the hardest and from there the others just snowball!”
I’m going to break down the S.M.A.R.T. Method™ in painstaking detail (so clearly a 12 year can understand) in this advanced training:

Hear What My Students Say

How Zohn Has Already Done $21k In Sales & On Track To Surpass His $300k Corporate Salary (all in less than 90 days)
How Dorian Was Able To Make $20k In Sales From Only $436 In Facebook Ad Spend!

How Desiree Was Able To Quit Her Full Time Job And Increase Her Pricing 
How Apryl Made $10,443.28 From $746 In Facebook Ad Spend
"How Tara Reed Did $60k On A Saturday."
"Marquel helped me grow my business to 6-Figures in less than 12 months!."

If You’re Anything Like Where I Was And Where Many Of The Business Owners We Work With Are…

You’re grateful for what you’ve done but you want more. 

You want to hit break through your current income ceiling and it’s eating away at you because you haven’t quite figured it out.

You’re a coach or consultant who’s hit five-figures per year but you feel stuck and unsure about how to get to 5-Figures or even 6-Figures per month!

Your business is at somewhat of a standstill when it comes to profits, revenue, and overall growth.

You feel like you’re on a hamster wheel for growth and you can’t seem to get any traction.

You may even be thinking that hitting 7-figures will be harder than hitting 6.

The truth is it’s not harder and for most of our clients it’s actually a breeze.
Let me guess, you’ve been taught to believe that in order to create a 7-figure business you need:
  • A HUGE team
  • Multiple offers
  • A bunch of clients
  • ​Complicated funnels
  • ​More time
  • ​Be on all the social media platforms
  • ​Hosting a podcast
  • ​Going live daily

And a laundry list of other tasks.

What if I told you that to turn your annual income into your monthly income, all you really need is:
  • A REAL Client Attraction System
  • ONE Irresistible Solid Offer That Creates Results For Your Clients
  • World-Class Fulfillment & Delivery
  • ​Knowing The Economics Of Your Business
  • ​A Process For People To Happily Pay You Without Pushy Sales Tactics
  • ​And The BELIEF That You Can Do It With The Mindset To Sustain And Not Sabotage It

Yes, that’s really all you need but here’s the real problem....

You can hustle your way to five or six figures. You can’t hustle your way to seven. 

If your goal is to attract your PERFECT clients on auto-pilot and turn your old annual income goals into your new monthly income reality (WITHOUT frustration, overwhelm, or burnout), then I invite you to apply for our training on “How to Attract Clients On Auto-Pilot & Turn Your Annual Income Into Your Monthly Income The S.M.A.R.T Way”…
Joseph Lopez
"17 Clients In His First Month!"
Courtney Herring Bowden
"How Courtney Broke Through And Did 28k In 60 Days"
"How To Get 20-30 Clients Per Month!"
"Client Makes $15,994 In Only 8 Days!"
"Client Makes $13,200 In Only 2 Days!"
"Client Makes $25,000 In ONE Week!"
"$1 Leads For a $5,000 Offer? Yes Please!"
"Men Lie, Women Lie, But Numbers Don’t"
"I Can’t Make This Up!"
In this training we’re going to peel back the layers of how we help coaches and consultants just like YOU turn their annual income into their monthly income using what we call, “The S.M.A.R.T. Method™”

If you're struggling to hit your ideal income goals, I guarantee that you’re dealing with problems such as:

  • An Inconsistent flow of leads
  • The pricing of your offer(s)
  • Using desperate sales tactics
  • ​Not knowing how to properly position yourself and your expertise
  • ​Mindset issues
  • ​Having the right team
  • ​Not knowing your numbers
  • ​Frustration because you know you’re so close and have what it takes.
During this training we’re going to teach you how to solve all of those problems and MORE.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Build an automated client attraction machine so you will never run out of leads and keep your calendar filled with READY TO BUY prospects that pay in full and on time.
  • Think like a CEO to make the best use of your time so you’re working less IN the business and more ON the business so you have more time to do the things you love.
  • Position yourself as a specialist in order to demand premium prices and stand out in even the nosiest of markets.
  • ​Create an irresistible offer your dream clients can’t refuse, drool over and happily pay you premium princess without sales resistance.

And much much more.

Joi Gave Fear The Middle Finger and 
Made $32,000 In Only 6 Weeks 
(Why Not Join Her?)
As passionate as we are about helping coaches and consultant like you turn their annual income into their monthly income, we only want to work with people who are passionate and serious about their business and serving others..
So BEFORE you apply I just want to let you know who this training is for and who it’s NOT for.

This training is NOT for you if:

  • You’re just curious, but not serious and committed when it comes to the growth of your business.
  • You ONLY want to make a few extra thousand dollars a month.
  • You’re a whiner & excuse maker that blames others for your lack of results
  • ​You’re a “wantrepreneur” that wants what being an entrepreneur looks like, but doesn’t really want to put in the necessary actions
  • ​You’re an information junkie, but not willing to implement to actually get results
  • ​You’re “OK” where you are and not ready for growth
  • ​Aren’t really concerned with the well being of your clients and you only want to make money

This training is for you if:

  • You’re an advancing entrepreneur 
  • You’re ready to learn how to build a 6 or 7-Figure business from people who’ve actually done it.
  • You believe in your expertise and know you have the ability to help your dream clients get results
  • ​You’re coachable and have a growth mindset.
  • ​You’re ready to break the glass ceiling you’ve been stuck in your business. 
  • ​You are ready to experience rapid and sustainable growth in your business
  • ​You want to create systems or dial in your current systems so you can scale with greater ease 
  • ​You’re ready to work less and make way more 
  • ​You’re ready to convert sales in every way possible to grow your business 
  • ​You’re ready for a consistent flow of your dream clients 
  • ​You want to quantum leap to the 7-Figure or multiple 7-Figure mark
Apply now if you’re ready to turn your business into a machine that transforms your annual income into your monthly income. 
Let me ask you a question…

If you were leaving your home now and wanted to get across the country in the fastest time period possible, which would you choose as your vehicle to get there?
  • A Horse?
  • A Bike?
  • A Boat?
  • ​Would you walk?
  • ​A Car?
  • ​A Bus?
  • ​Or A Jet?
Of course you could get there either way, however a jet is going to get you to your destination in a fraction of the time.


The Boeing 747-8i (currently the world's fastest commercial jet) for businesses that have their destination set at 6 or even 7-Figures and want to get there faster and with greater ease (with minimal turbulence and a first-class experience).
The Client Attraction University 
Partner Program
C.A.U. is a one stop shop for coaches and consultants who crave systems, support and accountability to build businesses that create TRUE time and financial freedom in their lives while making the world a better place. 

If you’re ready to really build a business with greater ease, you may be ready for Client Attraction University.

C.A.U. is a community of hands on support, guidance, accountability, mentorship and mastermind for extraordinary entrepreneurs. 
It’s hands down the best way to double, triple or even quadruple your growth (while working 50% less)
To be clear, by no means are we making any income claims here, that’s just the results we’ve seen from our clients (as you’ll see with many of the testimonials), however results do vary based on many factors that include but are not limited to work ethic, commitment and experience. 

We’re an exclusive program with a strategic blend of coaching, consulting, mentorship, accountability and masterminding with me and other 
high level entrepreneurs. 
We help you eliminate all barriers to your next level of success (even things like tech issues, overwhelm, confusion, overthinking or procrastination) 
If you’ve tried the rest and you are now ready to join the last program you’ll ever need to experience consistent and predictable growth in every area of your business life then we’d love the opportunity to serve you. 



Helping coaches and consultants attract an endless flood of their dream clients and turn their annual income into their monthly income while working less is our SUPER POWER!

C.A.U. is our secret sauce and our hands-on experience that savvy coaches and consultants tap into to hit their business goals at a rapid pace. 

If you’ve tried the rest and you are now ready to join the last program you’ll ever need to experience consistent and predictable growth in every area of your life then there is no better option (in my humble opinion and the opinion of the businesses we’ve helped do over $1 Billion in revenue and growing).

You don’t have to take my word for it. Actually, I don’t want you to take my word for it. Apply Now to Access the "How To Attract Clients On Auto-Pilot & Turn Your Annual Income Into Your Monthly Income The S.M.A.R.T.™ Way" Advanced Private Training.

Imagine what it will feel like…

...when you turn your annual income into your monthly income and you do it without working more hours and sacrificing quality time with loved ones, your sleep, your integrity or your peace of mind.

...when you have committed clients lining up to happily pay you $3,000 - $10,000 or more for the opportunity to work with you and your team (and they pay in full and on time).

...when you have so many offers to speak on stages and on podcast that you have to turn them down.

......when your bank balance grows daily (even on the days you’re not doing anything business related).

...when your spouse can quit their job or just work because they want to, now because they have to.

...when you have the time and freedom to go on more date nights with your spouse or partner. 

...when you can finally take your dream car off that vision board of yours and put it in your garage. 

...when you can drop a down-payment on that home you’ve been fantasizing about. 

...when you can take your kids/family on more vacations like you’ve been promising without having the be on a tight budget and have anxiety about if your income will be affected while you’re away for a week or two.

...when you're able to give freely and abundantly to more charities or causes you really believe in and write big tithe and offering checks. 

...when you have the flexibility to take the kids to school every morning, attend more of their field trips, spontaneously have lunch with them in the middle of the day, or be present to help with their homework.

All of this is not only possible, it’s probable, when you join my team and I inside of the Client Attraction University Partner Program.

"How Bryant Netted $100K Within 2 Months & Made $20k While On Vacation With His Queen"

All This Looks Amazing Marquel, But Will It Work For Me?

Apply for our private training and see how the Client Attraction University Partner Program is the logical next step for the most profitable and impactful year of your life!

What’s Included In The Client Attraction University Partner Program:

So you’ll be working closely with us for the next 12 weeks

Our aim would be for you to have your one perfect offer and messaging ready in 3 weeks or less so we can start getting clients as soon as possible (I anticipated much less, based on where you already are in your business).

The good news is that we hired an expert copywriter (who works behind the scenes on some of the biggest personal brands on the planet) to walk you through this and make this process extremely simple for you.

Let me explain the secret to getting our clients such fast results...
There are THREE MAIN ELEMENTS to the program…

THE FIRST ELEMENT is that you get unlimited, lifetime access to what we call our “Client Attraction University”.

This is our flagship online program that will teach you from start to finish how to implement the 3 Steps to get your goals.

This way you can follow along step-by-step ensuring you know exactly what to-do to finally reach your goals. 

We make this simple for you. You’ll get templates, checklists, scripts (yes, the exact script that tells you what to say and when to say it to get clients to pull out their credit card and pay you high ticket prices for your program).

The online university just serves as a resource so it’s not the meat of the program and not designed for you to watch 100s of videos and figure this stuff out on your end. The program is designed to get you results at a rapid pace.

You also get spreadsheets to track the cash to hit your goals just like we use… it’s all tried and tested, proven to work and all ready to go.

You’re basically getting all the knowledge and training you’ll ever need to scale this program to an extra 6 or 7-Figures per year.

But we don’t stop there because we understand the way to get the very best results is to work with a coach and get personal guidance.

And that’s why with the SECOND ELEMENT - You’re going to get personal guidance every single day of the week... to guide you through the process so you can't go off track.

We’re literally obsessed with getting results for our clients and we have a unique way of getting them by reviewing everything you are doing and giving you exact guidance on what to do next.

If you listen and are willing to follow the steps - you’re going to be moving forward very, very quickly to your desired results.

You’ve got BIG goals and we want to make sure that when we launch it’s ready to go. We don’t want you to release anything we’re not happy with!

So you’ll be getting EVERYTHING you do checked and reviewed.

THE THIRD AND FINAL ELEMENT which really ties it all together and ensures you have ultimate support from ALL angles…

Not only are you going to get personal mentoring on the weekly calls but you are going to get virtually unlimited access to our Client Success Team throughout the entire process whenever you need help or want something reviewed we’ll be there for you.
You’ll have access to your very own Client Concierge Portal where you can send in a message any time you want and get a response within 24 hours or less depending on how much help you need. 

We do all of this so you can get quick response and move forward knowing exactly what to do every step of the way. That way there are no excuses and only results!

When necessary, we’ll even make you personal video critiques to help explain exactly what to do and you can follow along ensuring that everything is just right and good enough to launch!

You’re literally going to personal guidance through this entire process so you are NOT alone and can shorten your learning curve and have a fast track to profit.

PLUS… we like to go over and above. So if you can make it - you’re also invited to join us for our Client Only bootcamps twice a year in Atlanta.
Here you’ll also get to meet people just like you who are either in the same position or who have already gone through this program and are now doing 5 and 6 figure months (you may even get clients and strategic partnerships from the events).

The purpose of these events are for you to hit the next level up from where you are when you come. 

For example, let’s say by the time you come, you’re already at $50,000 per month and now you’re ready to hit $100,000 per month, the whole focus at the event will be for you to leave with a specific game plan to hit that goal within the time frame that’s allocated based on the strategy laid out for you at the event.

So just to recap, here's everything you get access to:

  • Unlimited Lifetime Access To The Client Attraction University 
  • The 4 Weekly Coaching Calls for 12 weeks
  • Fast Start To Success call to map out your Roadmap to Success ​
  • ​Messaging Coach to dial in your messaging so we can ensure you’re attracting your dream clients 
  • ​Your Done For You Ultimate Online Marketing Machine templates 
  • ​Direct Access To Your Personal Client Concierge Portal for white glove service and support
  • ​Access To The Client Online Private Facebook Group for support 24/7 ​
  • ​2 Tickets To The Client Only Boot Camps we do twice a year here in Atlanta. 

So that’s the FULL package - we literally give you everything you need to go from where you are not to where you want to be at a rapid pace.

Now you have a decision to make. What it's gonna be?


You can try to implement what it’s going to take to attract $3,000 - $10,000+ clients on auto-pilot and turn your annual income into your monthly income (while working 50% less)!
The only problem is that you don’t know what you don’t know.


You can join us in The Client Attraction University Partner Program and get your business on the fast track to more profit, freedom and impact. 

You’ll have a business that you love and is also recession and pandemic proof! 


Due to the intimate nature of this program it’s by application only. If you answer YES to the following questions, you qualify to apply:


Do you know that you’re amazing at what you do and have proven that your process works, you solve a big problem and can create transformation for others?


Have you made significant investments in yourself and have created some results, however you know you’ve only scratched the surface of your potential?


Are you a coach or consultant who's ready to turn your annual income into your monthly income?


Are you ready to get in front of your DREAM CLIENTS so you can help them achieve the outcomes they crave?

If that's you... 

My team and I can't wait to see if you're a good fit for our Client Attraction University Partner Program. 

Please fill out the short application form below so we can see if you're a good fit for the program and share our advanced private training with you. 

You will get a confirmation email once your application is received (please take the time to read it) and we do our best to process all applications within 72 business hours. We look forward to getting your application.

But Wait There's More!



The market continuing to get more sophisticated which will make it more expensive to get attention, which leads you into a downward spiral of just competing on price or screaming louder to overcome the noise with “hypier” claims that just make you look desperate in the marketplace (which is a losing game). 


 In almost every market, competition for your market’s attention is only increasing and that is NOT going to slow down with so many “fly by nighters” coming into the market every second.
Meaning, if you continue to do the same thing that you’ve been doing, up until this point, how are you going to stand out more than everybody else? 
The market is only going to get noisier.
If you don’t know how to create compelling marketing messaging, campaigns and offers and you don’t know how to continue to do that, as competition continues to increase, you are going to get lost more and more in the noise.


As well, if you continue what it is you’re doing now, and you don’t have a plan to either increase your conversions and/or increase your average traction size and profitability…
What’s going to happen is you’re going to get priced out of the market eventually, as ad cost continue to rise because of more and more competition and the social media algorithms changing because these platforms are becoming driven more by making you pay to play and making it harder to reach your audience with organic marketing and also making it more expensive to pay to get clients.

These Three Things Alone Put You, At Not Only A HUGE Disadvantage, It Also Makes It Even More Difficult For You To Grow Your Business And Thrive This Year & Beyond!

Not to mention, how fast technology and these platforms are changing, you don’t have time to keep up with all the latest updates with the algorithm and how companies like Apple and others are making it harder for advertisers like you to target your ideal clients.

We invest tens of thousands of dollars each month and have a team that’s specifically keeping up with all the updates so you don’t have to and so you can stay focused on growing your business and serving your clients.


Partner In Prosperity & Guide On This Journey

Arguably one of the best when it comes to revenue growth for coaches, consultants and service providers, Dr. Marquel Russell is a multimillion-dollar revenue generator, best-selling author & Rapid Business Growth Strategist who has earned the title, “King of Client Attraction" and been called by many, one of the greatest marketing geniuses of our time.

As the founder of the infamous Client Attraction University and the creator of his leads-on-demand signature S.F.M. client attraction method, and his business scaling system The S.M.A.R.T. Method™, Marquel is known for his innate talent of drenching clients in a downpour of qualified leads and profits. 

His sharp-shooting approach to lead generation has helped coaches and consultants pull in billions of ad impressions and flood their businesses with millions of high-quality leads that have turned into over $1 Billion in revenue!
He is also the author of The Millionaire Expert!, a must-have resource that revolutionizes the way entrepreneurs approach lead generation and sales in their businesses, debunking the myth that executing an effective marketing strategy requires a hefty ad budget. 

Whether seeking to open doors to increased profits or close gaps in their sales process, coaches and consultants count on Marquel’s teachings to achieve the financial freedom and success they want – all while working 50% less. 

And his growing list of thousands of client success stories and a client return on investment upwards of 1,111% continues to prove that he truly has the client attraction game on lock. 

In just a few short years, he has built a marketing education empire on the belief that any coach or consultant can attract premium clients with the right lead generation system. 

And while he and his clients have achieved tremendous success, he’s not done yet. 

You see, Marquel is on a nonstop mission to help his 1,000,000 coaches and consultants add an extra $1 Million to their annual revenue and with clients already using his strategies and methods to generate more than $1 Billion in revenue, it’s clear he’s well on his way to hitting his goal, despite his atypical background. 

A walking billboard for the lyrics “started from the bottom now I’m here,” Marquel went from high school dropout and former drug dealer to Multimillion-Dollar Rapid Business Growth Strategist. 

When he’s not teaching coaches and consultants how to pull in more profits with less hustle, you can find him jet setting around the world with his family and empowering at-risk, inner-city youth to take control of their futures. 

Ready to break turn your annual income into your monthly income – all while freeing up your busy schedule and crossing financial freedom off your goal list forever?

Client Attraction University. Copyright @ 2022. All Rights Reserved.